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Welcome to Two Birds Church, where our name embodies the profound Native American prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. This ancient wisdom, passed down through generations by the Quechua and Hopi tribes, speaks of a 500-year cycle culminating in a time of spiritual awakening, harmony, and peace – a vision that deeply resonates with our church’s mission and values. Many believe we are currently living in this prophesied time of reunion, adding urgency and relevance to our work.

The Eagle and the Condor symbolize the balance we seek in our spiritual journey, connecting North and South America in a pan-American vision of unity. The Eagle represents the rational mind, technology, and material progress of the North, while the Condor embodies the intuition, spirituality, and connection to nature of the South. This duality mirrors our church’s tenet of “Harmonized Duality,” where we strive to balance the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies in our spiritual practice.

At Two Birds Church, we see the prophesied union of the Eagle and Condor as a call to action for personal and collective transformation. This aligns with our core tenets of “Illuminate Change” and “Self-Healing Empowerment.” Through our Ayahuasca ceremonies, we facilitate this transformative journey, with the sacred plant acting as a teacher and guide in restoring balance and fostering spiritual growth. Our use of Ayahuasca connects us directly to the Condor’s representation of indigenous wisdom and spirituality.

Our “Sacred Self-Healing Ceremony” tenet reflects the prophecy’s emphasis on reconnecting with nature and our inner selves. We believe that by harmonizing the material with the spiritual, and rationality with intuition, we can achieve the “Mind-Body-Spirit Balance” essential for personal awakening and healing. This balance extends to our relationship with the environment, informing our practices and teachings on ecological awareness and sustainability.

The prophecy’s call for unity and respect for diverse cultures resonates with our inclusive approach. We honor various cultural heritages and traditional practices, recognizing that our collective wisdom is crucial for creating a sustainable and harmonious existence on Earth. We acknowledge that this prophecy has been a source of hope and resilience for indigenous communities during times of colonization and cultural oppression.

For our members, embodying this prophecy means embracing the “Spiritual Quest” tenet, viewing life as a dynamic teacher and each day as an opportunity for growth. We encourage you to tap into your “Inner Wisdom,” recognizing that true understanding comes from personal experience and introspection. We guide our members in embodying both Eagle and Condor energies in their personal lives, balancing analytical thinking with intuitive understanding.

As Two Birds Church, we see ourselves as part of this prophesied awakening. We are committed to fostering balance, unity, and spiritual growth in our community and beyond. Our practices, guided by the wisdom of Ayahuasca, aim to help each individual find their unique path to harmony and self-discovery. We actively work towards fulfilling this prophecy through community initiatives that address modern global challenges such as climate change, social inequality, and spiritual disconnection.

We invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Whether through our ceremonies, community events, or personal practices, you can be part of this movement towards balance and spiritual awakening. Remember, in the words of the prophecy, “We are the ones we have been waiting for.”

Together, let’s embrace the wisdom of the Eagle and the Condor, balancing mind and heart, technology and nature, individuality and community. At Two Birds Church, we’re not just awaiting the prophecy’s fulfillment – we’re actively working to bring it to life, one awakened spirit at a time, interpreting this ancient wisdom in the context of our modern world and its unique challenges.