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The ‘Tenets of Faith‘ are essential to the spiritual fabric of Two Birds Church. They are the guiding principles that shape our community’s belief system, deeply-rooted in our practices and collective spiritual journey. These tenets are the spiritual compass that orientates our church and everyday life, fostering a shared understanding and serving as a robust framework for our spiritual evolution. They encapsulate the shared values and commitments of our community, and are the pillars that support each member as they endeavor to live out their faith in a meaningful and transformative manner.

Tenets of Faith – Two Birds Church

  1. Sacred Ceremony: We believe in each individual’s innate ability to heal themselves through the teachings of Ayahuasca in our sacred ceremonies. These profound spiritual experiences are central to our faith, facilitating deep self-discovery and transformation. Our ceremonies and community support this journey, recognizing that true healing comes from within, with Ayahuasca acting as a teacher and guide in our transformative process.
  2. Inherent Spirituality: Every individual possesses a deep spiritual essence. This innate spirituality is not bestowed but is a fundamental part of our innermost self, waiting to be discovered and nurtured.
  3. Illuminate Change: Personal spiritual growth has a transformative ripple effect on the world. As we confront our fears and embrace growth, we inspire others to embark on similar journeys of self-discovery.
  4. Harmonized Duality: We embrace the balance of Divine Feminine and Masculine energies, symbolized by The Eagle and The Condor. This harmony of heart and mind is integral to our faith, ceremonies, and leadership.
  5. Inner Wisdom: True wisdom is acquired through personal experience rather than external authorities. We encourage self-empowerment and introspection, recognizing that each person’s path to truth is unique.
  6. Spiritual Quest: Life itself is our greatest teacher, offering wisdom through diverse experiences and challenges. We view each day as an opportunity for growth, enriched by the various guides and cultures we encounter.
  7. Mind-Body-Spirit Balance: We emphasize the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Nurturing all aspects of oneself through practices like nutrition, exercise, and meditation is essential for unlocking full spiritual potential.

Embracing this perspective, Two Birds Church is proud to express the following beliefs as the fundamental tenets of our religious faith: