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Two Birds Church is rooted in the belief that every individual has the innate capacity for self-healing and the right to choose their spiritual path. Our philosophy centers on the power of love and the importance of balancing the Heart and the Mind, reflecting the prophecy of The Eagle and The Condor.

At the core of our practice is the recognition of Ayahuasca as a sacred teacher. We believe that Ayahuasca contains a spirit that is part of the whole, and through its sacramental use in our religious ceremonies, we can connect with both our inner and outer selves. Ayahuasca doesn’t directly change us; instead, as a profound teacher, she offers lessons and insights that empower us to heal and transform ourselves.

We respect every member’s right to participate in our ceremonies, understanding that each individual’s journey with Ayahuasca is unique and personal. The lessons learned during ceremonies are tools for self-reflection, growth, and ultimately, self-healing. We emphasize that true healing comes from within, guided by the wisdom Ayahuasca imparts.

Our philosophy upholds the sacred rights of all people, including the freedom to choose their truths, to respect, safety, love, and their unique spiritual path. We believe in the importance of freedom of thought, conscience, and belief, and the right to practice spirituality as one sees fit.

We also affirm practical beliefs that support our faith, drawing from both Eastern and Western traditions. These include managing emotions, making conscious decisions, developing compassion, understanding our interconnectedness, and committing to ongoing self-improvement and inward exploration.

Through this approach, we empower individuals to take responsibility for their own healing and growth, with Ayahuasca serving as a teacher and guide on this profound journey of self-discovery and transformation.