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At the core of Two Birds Church stands our Ceremony Leader, a unique role that combines spiritual leadership with executive responsibility. Currently held by our founder, James Elrod, this position bridges our sacred vision with daily operations.

James’s journey with Ayahuasca began in 2009, igniting a passion that would shape his life’s path. Initially brewing his own medicine and conducting personal ceremonies, his quest for deeper understanding led him to Peru in 2010. There, he studied under Don Enrique, a respected Shipibo curandero from the RoaBoya community.

Under Don Enrique’s guidance, James immersed himself in traditional ceremony practices, brewing techniques, and group facilitation. This experience in Peru became the foundation for the meticulously crafted ceremonies he now conducts at Two Birds Church.

Returning to the U.S., James began sharing his knowledge, holding ceremonies that blend ancient wisdom with Western sensibilities. What started as small gatherings grew into the thriving community we see today.

As our Ceremony Leader, James orchestrates unique, focused ceremonies, supported by a carefully chosen team with both ceremonial experience and innate musical gifts. This ensures each participant feels supported and nurtured throughout their transformative journey.

Serving as the spiritual compass and operational engine of our community, James leads our Ayahuasca ceremonies, provides spiritual guidance, and oversees all church activities. This multifaceted role demands a harmonious fusion of spiritual wisdom and managerial expertise, ensuring every action resonates with our church’s essence and mission. Through his leadership, Two Birds Church continues to grow and flourish, offering transformative experiences rooted in ancient wisdom and adapted for our modern world.

Key responsibilities include:

  • Leading sacred Ayahuasca ceremonies as our principal Ceremony Leader, focusing on creating a safe and supportive environment
  • Organizing and scheduling ceremonies
  • Collaborating with our doctor to screen all participants, ensuring their safety and suitability for ceremonies
  • Conducting all music throughout the night and administering sacraments during ceremonies
  • Holding a space that challenges participants to go inward and sit with their emotions and feelings, without acting as a healer, guru, or fixer
  • Working closely with facilitators during ceremonies, providing guidance to help them maintain the sacred space and support participants effectively
  • Emphasizing and supporting the core tenet of self-healing
  • Overseeing church operations, from staff management to financial oversight
  • Providing spiritual guidance aligned with our philosophy of personal responsibility and self-healing
  • Representing the church to the public and fostering community relationships while maintaining our core values
  • Upholding the highest ethical standards and legal compliance in all aspects of church operations

This role demands extensive experience, deep spiritual understanding, and strong leadership abilities. It requires unwavering dedication to our church’s mission and values, as well as the capacity to bridge spiritual practices with operational responsibilities

We believe in continuous growth and development for our Ceremony Leader, encouraging participation in relevant conferences, network building with other spiritual leaders, and ongoing personal spiritual practices.

At Two Birds Church, our Ceremony Leader serves as a dedicated guide on our shared journey of growth and transformation. They lead by example, demonstrating the principles of self-healing and personal responsibility that are central to our community. While holding a leadership role, our Ceremony Leader remains grounded, approachable, and committed to fostering an environment where each individual can discover their own path to healing and spiritual growth.