Book Club 📚

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Embark on a literary adventure with us! At Two Birds Church Book Club, we delve deep into the world of words, discovering new perspectives, challenging our beliefs, and fostering a community of avid readers.

Current Book Club Schedule and Reading

“The Kybalion” by The Three Intiates


  • October 7th: Chapters 1 – 5
  • October 21st: Chapters 6 – 10
  • November 4th: Chapters 11 – 15


  • Start: 6:30 pm

Virtual Meeting Room for Book Club:

  • Quick Join Link : Click Here (Requires Zoom)
  • Meeting ID: 930 169 6301
  • Passcode: love

Consistency and Flexibility: While we cherish the idea of a consistent group, nurturing collective growth through every chapter and discussion, we understand the dynamic nature of schedules and commitments. Mark your calendar with our scheduled meets, but fret not if you can’t make every one of them. Life happens, and our club remains a welcoming space for intermittent attendees or late joiners.

Our Approach: We don’t just read; we immerse, question, and converse. Every book we choose is an invitation to introspect, to understand, and to evolve. Our discussions aren’t merely recaps; they’re reflections on how literature shapes, mirrors, and challenges our worldview.

An Open Invitation: Whether you’ve been with us from the start, are catching up midway, or just curious about our current read, you’re always welcome. Bring your insights, questions, and open heart, and join us in this enlightening journey.