Winter Solstice Celebration

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Join us for a Two Birds holiday! Our Winter Solstice celebration is a great opportunity to connect with our community. This is a family friendly event sober event, bring the kids or some friends! it’s going to be a great time.

In winter everything lies dormant in the silent earth, it is a sacred time of rest and reflection before the awakening and the slow build toward brighter days.

The energy of winter is that of going within. It’s the fruitful darkness and silence out of which our soul’s yearnings and new inspirations can eventually emerge.  As we consciously link our awareness to nature’s cycles, our understanding of our own personal growth cycles begin to deepen.

Join us as we ring in the Winter season with
Food |  Community | Music & More

The fun starts after our Sunday service, so come early 3pm to join us for cacao and stay all evening for the fun. This is a Potluck event, so if you feel like contributing, bring any dish you choose! Food is not necessary, though feel free to stop on by either way. All Church events are family friendly and sober events. Please do not bring any drugs or alcohol.